10 Best Foods For Anxiety


Nowadays, approximately 7.3% of the population is affected by anxiety. Anxiety is an umbrella term for describing various disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and phobias. Generally, it is the constant feeling of tension, worry, and nervousness, which can interfere with an individual’s daily life. However, we can treat it to an extent by … Read more

10 Best Foods For Pregnancy

You might have heard it a lot: Eating nutritious foods is essential during pregnancy because your little one depends on you to get the required nutrition. Because if you choose the best foods for pregnancy, you can reduce the complications such as low birth weight, congenital disabilities, anaemia, etc. Do you want to know what … Read more

10 Best Foods For Headache

Most of us experience headaches from time to time. Most headaches fall within one of 4 main categories: migraine, hypertension, stress, and cluster headaches. For those with migraines, the pain can be a little more serious. Meanwhile, some headaches can be a sign of certain health problems. Studies found that certain foods and drinks can … Read more

10 Best Foods For Brain

Just as there are no magical supplements to prevent cognitive decline, there is no single food that can guarantee a sharp brain in a few days. However, some of the best foods for brain health can make you enthusiastic, attentive,  energetic, and stress-free. Nutritionists recommend following a healthy dietary pattern can help you gradually achieve … Read more

10 Best Foods For Energy

Our bodies are made of and powered by what we eat and drink. Food is the source of all of the energy required to have for various activities. So, it is better to eat the best foods for energy, like farm-fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc.  Apart from what we eat, when we eat can also … Read more

10 Best Foods For Immune System

A strong immune system keeps an individual healthy to live a disease-free life.  There are several factors that affect an individual’s immune system and its ability to fight infections, like lack of exercise, sleep deprivation, and stress. Yet,  experts agree that a healthy diet can create a strong immune system. The most essential immunity-building micronutrients … Read more

10 Best Foods For GERD

GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a common condition in which the stomach acid repeatedly flows back into the oesophagus (the tube connecting your mouth and stomach). It is widely known as acid reflux or heartburn. In this article, we are going to bring you the list of the ten best foods for GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux … Read more

10 Best Foods For Digestion

Did you know that your digestive health could be a window into your overall health? Of course! What you eat and don’t eat significantly affects your overall health. Then, this article will tell you about the best foods for digestion. Nowadays, digestive problems, including constipation, gas, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea, are affecting most people. Even … Read more

Does Eating Late at Night Cause Weight Gain?

Yes! Late-night eating habits may make us gain weight. Although, its exact reason is unknown. Most of us have been told that having food  late at night may stimulate our tendency to consume more food and disrupt our internal body clock. Human metabolism is a complex process.  At night, our metabolism may slow down, as … Read more

5 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat

If you want to achieve better results from any goal, you should have some degree of focused effort. Losing belly fat or getting into the shape of your dream body is no exception. The more fat you want to shed, the harder you should work.  Also, you should expect miraculous results overnight. This article will … Read more

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