10 best foods for cough

Coughs play a role in clearing irritants and infections, but persistent coughing can be annoying. But, certain food can cure cough. Here is  the list of best foods for cough that may help treat cough.


A single dose of honey before bedtime was shown in recent studies to diminish cough and the discomfort experienced by us.


Ginger is one of the most popular home remedies as the anti-inflammatory effect of ginger can relieve a cough. 


Garlic is alleged to have antimicrobial and antiviral properties, which can  provide effective relief against cough. 


Because of the presence of Curcumin in it, turmeric is very effective to get instant relief from cough.


A freshly squeezed lemon with warm water or tea can help you soothe your sore throat and cough faster.


Bromelain found in pineapple has both anti-inflammatory and mucolytic, making pineapple an excellent food to help relieve a cough.


Studies show that daily intake of pomegranate juice may decrease the chances of a lengthy bout of cough and cold by almost 40%.


Kiwi sounds unnatural but is one of the best sources of nutrients the body needs to ward off cough and cold infections. 


Almonds have both preventive and therapeutic properties, which are effective in curing cold and cough. 

Chamomile tea

Chamomile has high antispasmodic properties which are helpful for reducing cough and curing sore throat. 

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