10 best foods for  hair loss

Nutrition plays an important role in the health of your hair. Find out the top ten best foods for hair loss to have a fuller head of hair.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fishes are a good source of omega-3s, protein, selenium, vitamin D, and B vitamins, all of which prevent hair loss.


The high amount of vitamin C in kale helps builds collagen which is highly important in hair health, growth and strength.


Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which is important for preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. 


Spinach is a great source of iron, vitamin A and C, and protein, which are necessary for hair growth.  


Rich in omega-9 fatty acids and oleic acid, apricot oils are proven to maintain healthy hair and prevent hair fall. 


Rich in vitamin C, berries feed hair follicles, promote blood circulation on the scalp, and prevent hair fall. 


Grapes contain a high quantity of Vitamin E and antioxidants that improve blood flow to the scalp and reduce hair fall. 

Cashew Nuts

Cashews are packed with potassium and other essential nutrients that prevent your scalp from shedding hair unnecessarily.


Amla is considered as a miracle cure for hair care as it contains calcium, which prevents hair fall and promotes healthier hair.


Since flaxseeds contain a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B and Vitamin C, they have the power to reduce hair fall.

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