10 best foods for asthma

While there’s no magic-bullet food to cure asthma, making some changes in your diet may help reduce or control asthma symptoms. Here are the 10 best foods for asthma.


Apples are the largest source of free phenolic acids. Thus, if you’re looking to alleviate asthma symptoms, start your day with apple. 


Various studies have shown eating salmon as part of a healthy diet can reduce asthma symptoms in children.  


Researches reveal that high-fiber foods like beans promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria associated with lower risk of inflammatory disorders, including asthma.


Certain components in ginger might help relax the airways and can help relieve the symptoms of asthma.  


Turmeric is a golden yellow spice with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may help with asthma.


Spinach are packed with vitamins, minerals, and folate (a B vitamin). Folate could be especially important for people with asthma.


Pomegranates are high in antioxidants, which can help in quelling the inflammation linked to asthma.  


Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and low in calories — which makes them a worthy addition to your anti-asthma diet.


As per a recent study, those who had a higher consumption of carrots had a 20 percent lower risk of asthma compared to those who did not eat carrots often.


Pineapple are an excellent source of bromelain and vitamin C, and they may be beneficial in reducing asthma symptoms. 

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