10 best foods for calcium

Our body needs calcium for proper functioning of our bones, teeth, nerves, muscles, and overall health. Here is the list of best foods for calcium that you should definitely include in your diet!


Milk is one of the best and most widely available sources of calcium. It contains 18 of 22 essential nutrients in one cup. 


Papaya is also an excellent source of fruit-based calcium. One cup of mashed papaya has approximately 46 milligrams of calcium, while a cup of papaya pieces has 29 milligrams. 

Whole Almonds

Whole almonds are one of the richest sources of calcium, which can improve our bon density and overall wellness. 


Like milk, plain yogurt is an excellent calcium source. It actually provides more calcium, for the same serving size, than milk.

Sweet Potato

One large sweet potato contains about 68 mg of calcium. It is one of the less-known ingredients that help keep bones healthy.  

White Beans

One cup of white beans yields 161 mg of calcium, which  can help our heart, muscles and nerves to function properly.  


Eating just one orange has over 70mg of calcium, ensuring that you receive six per cent of your calcium intake for the day.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds have high concentrations of calcium as well as vitamin A. A single cup of sunflower seed kernels contains 109 mg of calcium. 

Sesame seeds

1 tablespoon of sesame seeds can add 88 mg of calcium. They contain essential phytonutrients that help in lowering cholesterol levels apart from strengthening the bones. 


Broccoli is loaded with highly absorbable calcium and other healthful nutrients. One cup of frozen broccoli has 87 mg of calcium. 

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