10 best foods for colon health 

An unhealthy colon can cause problems such as bloating, gas, and cramping on the flip side. If not treated on time, it can lead to severe health issues. Here is the list of ten foods for colon health.


Yogurt contains probiotics, vitamin D, and calcium – two important nutrients that are proven to improve colon health.


If you are a seafood lover, this point will surely give you a reason to cheer! Because the omega-3 fats in salmon can improve the colon function.


Oatmeal contains a high amount of fiber, calcium, and vitamin D content, which are excellent in keeping the colon healthy.


Cinnamon is an aromatic spice that has the ability to reduce blood sugar and inflammation in our colon.

Green bananas

Green bananas are full of resistant starch, which acts like insoluble fiber and can help keep your bowels working at their best.


Apples are high in insoluble fiber in the peel and insoluble fiber in the flesh. Thus, they promote good colon health.


Because of their impressive fiber content, avocados make a great addition to any colon-healthy diet.


Cauliflower is high in fiber and water. Both are important for maintaining a healthy digestive tract and lowering the risk of colon cancer.


Pears are an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber, which are proven to be essential for colon health. 


Nuts are best known for their beneficial fat and protein content. They can also help keep your colon healthy and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

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