10 best foods for covid recovery

COVID-19 has affected our health since 2020. As the recovery speed differs from person to person, it is vital to follow a post-COVID-19 recovery routine. Here are the 10 best foods for covid recovery.


As eggs have nutrients like vitamin D, zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, they are good for Covid recovery.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are packed with vitamin C, which helps in the formation of antibodies and speeds up the Covid-19 recovery.


Drinking enough water is very effective in preventing dehydration and speeding up covid recovery to an extent. 


Oranges is the one of the best foods to consume for covid recovery as it is a rich source of Vitamin C  


Pomegranate fruits are rich in polyphenols, which are the most widely distributed group of bioactive compounds.


Mosambi is one of the best fruits to be eaten by Covid patients as it has the ability to fight the weakness in our body.


Apples are a natural solution to boost our bodily immunity and provide our body with the right anti-oxidants. 


Blueberries contain flavonoids — a type of antioxidant that can help reduce damage to cells and boost your immune system. 


The kiwi is a healthy choice for Covid recovery that can support heart health, digestive health, and immunity.


Milk is packed with all vital nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, potassium and vitamin D. So, it's good for Covid recovery.

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