5 Common Weight Loss Myths

When it comes to losing weight, there may be tons of myths that people use as excuses not to work out or eat healthily. Some of the most common myths include “I’ll start tomorrow” and “you can’t lose weight on a vegan diet.” In this article, we are going to explore some of these misconceptions for those trying to lose weight. Let’s take a look at the 5 common weight loss myths.

There are so many different options, diets, and techniques out there but it’s truly hard to find which one will work for you. Whenever you try to lose weight, you are sure to hear some advice that isn’t gonna work. So, it is always better to consult your doctor or seek expert advice before changing your diet plan or exercise routine. You know, the kind of stuff your friend’s mom who was just diagnosed with diabetes tells you when she tries to give dieting advice because she feels sorry for you?  Well! Here, I am going to debunk the 5 common myths, lies, and misconceptions about weight loss that people believe. 

Skipping meals aids in weight loss

Not eating has never been the solution that can help you in weight loss hence skipping meals never works. To lose weight, you must reduce the number of calories that you consume and that you increase the calories that you’ve burned through exercise. Skipping meals can make you miss out on essential nutrients and usually just results in weight gain as you are more likely to snack on high-fat and high-sugar foods then.

Thus, skipping meals aids in weight is the first of the 5 common weight loss myths.

All calories are equal

Most people think that all calories are equal. However, it’s just another myth among the 5 common weight loss myths.

Of course! It’s true that all calories, that is the measurements of energy, have the same energy content, but this doesn’t mean that all calorie sources have the same effects on your weight. For example, calories from whole foods are more likely to be filling than calories from refined foods. This is because different foods go through different metabolic pathways and have different effects on hunger and hormones that control one’s body weight.

It’s Easy To Lose Weight Faster with a Juice Cleanse

Juice cleanses have been touted as a way to lose weight quickly and detox, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Although you may be getting a reduction in calories, you are also ingesting a lot of liquid sugar, which can spike blood sugar and cause weight gain. And depriving yourself is never a good idea.

Even though cutting calories will lead to weight loss, going too low for too long can have the opposite effect. So, always remember that it is not easy to lose weight faster with a juice cleanse. And, that’s the most 5 common weight loss myths.

You Can Exercise the Pounds Away

If you’re thinking about slogging away on the treadmill for hours or hitting back-to-back spin classes in an effort to lose weight fast, you’re just wasting your time—and overexerting yourself for no reason! Research has proved time and time again that while exercise can help boost weight loss, shedding pounds is primarily due to diet. Exercise accounts for very little of your total energy expenditure, and it’s hard to create a significant calorie deficit through exercise. Since working out has a ton of health benefits not related to weight loss, keep hitting the gym, just don’t overdo it.

You’ll See Results Immediately

You’ve done all the right things to lose weight: you’ve ditched junk food, loaded up on healthy produce and lean meats, and have been reading Eat This, Not That! for go-to nutrition advice and smart swaps. But you still haven’t seen the scale budge. That’s because everybody is different. Although some people like to boil weight loss down to a specific science of “calories in, calories out,” the truth is that the human body is much more complicated than that. Each person has a different metabolism, set of hormones, environmental factors, and potential underlying health issues that could all play a role in how much weight he or she loses. So, seeing noticeable results could take time. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen; you just need to be consistent and patient while waiting for the scale to move. Don’t expect to see immediate weight loss results the second you start eating healthy.

Overall, losing weight can be challenging. Our bodies evolved during leaner times, so they are primed to take on energy and store it. However, many of us live in a world where calories are readily available, and our bodies still store this energy as if it’s going out of fashion.

In general, reducing caloric intake and exercising is the most reliable approach to weight loss. With that said, people with chronic diseases, including diabetes and obesity, should speak with their doctors before beginning a new weight loss regime.

It is also worth remembering that if anything seems too good to be true, it probably is — any “weight loss miracle” is unlikely to be miraculous. Most foods are not inherently unhealthful, but it is a good idea to consume high-sugar and high-fat foods sparingly.

For anyone embarking on a healthful weight loss program this year, good luck. We provide more useful tips here. Also, remember the 5 common weight loss myths mentioned in this blog throughout your weight loss journey.

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